ESG and Sustainability

Take Off has as its primary strategic objective the positioning in new retail trade segments of clothing and accessories, with an offer model as wide as possible. To achieve this goal, Take Off has defined the following strategic lines, integrated and consistent with future sustainability objectives:
• creation and development of sustainable value over time (commercial development,
strategic brand and marketing, product offering, trade and consumer marketing);
• cost rationalisation along the supply chain;
• definition of a structured and organic Sustainability Plan;
• organisational arrangements to support future challenges.
The Group considers it essential to pursue its strategic objectives according to a sustainable business model, which aims to generate positive economic and financial results, but which, at the same time, can promote people’s well-being and respond to environmental and social needs. In this way, sustainability becomes an integral part of multi-annual strategic plans and annual budgets. In particular, the Company’s business model is characterized, inter alia, by:
• an innovative store organisation to encourage
the activities of cross;
• Selling;
• the positioning of points of sale in strategic locations with high visibility,
along high-distance roads;
• the offer with proprietary product lines distributed exclusively, in order to complete
the offer of its points of sale; and, with reference only to Take Off points of sale;
• the adoption of exclusive discount mechanisms and aimed at making immediate for the
customer the profitability of the purchase.